Thursday, 30 October 2008

skips a beat

I've been tagged by the enchanting(and that is such an appropriate word!) Inside the Cabinet of Wonder. It's called the happy tag, the rules are; mention the person who nominated you. list 6 unimportant things that make you happy. tag 5 blogs. state the rules. notify them with a teeny comment on their blog that they have been nominated.

1.Simon Cowells hair and teeth. I can't help but smile, it's amazing! I watched some TV awards tonight and he won a special award, he was so sweet.
2.Heart shaped things. I loved being at my (ex)boys house. Heart shaped chopping board, cute heart door hangers, heart candles, heart ornaments. Hearts always make me happy, anything with hearts on and it has to be mine.
3.When cats clean their face. You know how they lick their paw to clean their face, I love watching my cats doing that. It's the sweetest thing ever.
4.Taking naps with the (ex)boy. It's just lovely. I miss that lots.
5.Toast. With blackcurrant jam, that's my fave at the moment.
6.Hello Kitty. She always makes me happy. I didn't quite realise how much Hello Kitty stuff I have, but it's a lot more then I thought!

I now tag
Sugarplum Ragdoll
Penny Lane
Sea at Fashion Squeah
Char at Fashion Squeah
Rather Robyn

I really like tags like this one, it's quite nice find out random little things about other bloggers.

Oh I had to include this old picture I found on my phone. My brother found this lovely little man amongst his other beans.


DaisyChain said...

Just wanted to say hello and thank you for dropping by my blog.

The bean man is great haha, I love finding random things in food.

Bubble said...

i like your blog :D

. said...

victory in japan

Anonymous said...

haha how cool, I want to find a man in my beans!